by Office Manager | 13 Apr 2021 | Announcements, Junior School
This term, we are holding a weekly WTE (Write That Essay) sentence competition. Students enter a sentence into the WTE box, and then a winner and two runners up are selected and announced at assembly. Here are the winners from Week 7 and Week 8: Week 7 Runners up...
by Office Manager | 13 Apr 2021 | Announcements, Info/Events for Parents, Junior School, Middle School, Senior School, Sports News, Surf Academy
At the North Island Athletics Champs this weekend, Harper placed: *2nd in the 100m sprints *3rd in the 200m sprints *His WAIBOP 4x100m relay team came 1st (coming within a whisker of breaking the record). What an amazing achievement – we are so proud of you!...
by Office Manager | 13 Apr 2021 | Announcements, Info/Events for Parents, Senior School
Over the weekend, four of our drama students competed in the Waikato Regional Sheliah Winn Shakespeare festival performing their scenes from Macbeth and Taming of the Shrew! It was a great day, with loads of talent, and our students did well. Really well in...
by Office Manager | 13 Apr 2021 | Announcements, Senior School
“Last week the Years 11 & 12 Senior Social Science class went to the Aotearoa UN Youth Declaration in Auckland. Each student was given a different roopu to be a part of where they discussed Government policies and submitted their thoughts, ideas and...
by Office Manager | 29 Mar 2021 | Announcements, Important News, Info/Events for Parents, Junior School, Middle School, Senior School, Surf Academy, Te Rōpū Aroha Ki Te Reo
Kia ora e te whanau Just a reminder that when Easter falls during term time, the Tuesday following Easter Monday is a school holiday, it is not a Statutory Holiday, but a school holiday.
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