Kia ora koutou

As we approach the end of Term 2 we have a few updates from the Board of Trustees.

School Swimming Pool

The swimming pool project is progressing well. Funding is in place and we have signed a contract with our supplier.  Last week the marquee provider came to measure up for a marquee cover to be in place while our contractor carries out the work on the pool.  Work is due to commence in the next week or so!

Internal Upgrades Project

Our Internal Updates are complete – our A-block corridor, English Classroom, Art Room and D1 (one of our year 7 & 8 classrooms) are already back in use by students.

We are just finalising D2 and K block (year 7 and 8 classrooms), working with our suppliers on final touch-ups etc.  Final sign off on this is due during the holidays.  See pictures of the upgraded A block corridor and art room.

Policies for Community Feedback

Our Policy & Wellbeing Subcommittee have been progressing through the policy review schedule, see Linda Holmes and Linda Mayow hard at work here reviewing and making any relevant updates as needed to our policies.

Here are our policies for community review this term, if you would like to provide any feedback on any of the policies please email

School Board Elections

We still have lots of time but next year will mark the end of the term of our current Board and it will be election time in September 2025.  If you think you might be interested in becoming a Board Member here is some information would also be happy to have a coffee with you to explain what it entails or better yet come along to a board meeting. Our meetings are usually held on the last Wednesday of each month 6pm-8pm, contact if you would like to attend.
The Raglan Area School Board of Trustees would like to extend our warm wishes to all students, staff, and whānau for the holidays. We look forward to seeing everyone refreshed and ready for the new term in a couple of weeks.

Ngā mihi nui

David Duffin 

Raglan Area School Board of Trustees Presiding Member