by Office Manager | 20 Mar 2015 | Junior School
There will be hearing and vision screening for all Year 7’s as well as catch up screening for Years 1 – 4, Friday 11.30am in the Library.
by Office Manager | 18 Mar 2015 | Announcements, Junior School, Library/Te Rapunga, Middle School, Senior School
The Dark Horse Chess Club meets in the library every Friday at lunchtime. We are really excited about this new club at Raglan Area School. There has been a huge turn out of students, with students of all ages meeting and having a great time together. All students and...
by Office Manager | 9 Mar 2015 | Junior School
Despite the awful weather at the start of the day, fun was had by everyone who came down to this event, at Te Kopua. Lots of interest was shown by the people who walked around the Raglan Area School tents. Under the blue gazebos delicious cakes, cookies, muffins...
by Office Manager | 9 Mar 2015 | Junior School
Dear Parents /Caregivers/Whanau Excitement is building for our D-Block/Te Roopu Aroha Ki Te Reo Year 0-3 Swimming Sports on Wednesday 11th March.. It will start at 11.00am. Please make sure that all students have their swimming togs and towels. We will be...
by Tara Wrigley | 2 Mar 2015 | Junior School
Excitement is building for our E-Block/Te Ropu Aroha Ki Te Reo Year 4-7 Swimming Sports on Tuesday 3rd March. It will be a 9.15am start. Please make sure that all students have their swimming togs and two towels as they sometimes get into the pool several times. There...
by Tara Wrigley | 27 Feb 2015 | Junior School
Kia Ora Parents, Whanau We would like to update you with some information and dates for the next couple of weeks to put into your calendar! *Swimming Sports (new date) Wednesday 11th March (further details next week) Please can children remember to bring in their...
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