by Jules Holden | 10 Mar 2025 | Announcements, Important News, Info/Events for Parents, Junior School, Library Channel, Library/Te Rapunga, Middle School, Principal's News, School Events, School Newsletter, Senior School, Surf Academy
Kia ora koutou Next Monday 17th March is school photo day. If you wanted to have a sibling photo taken please pop in to the office to complete a form. Sibling photos take place first from 8:30am on the day followed by class and individual student photos. You will be...
by Jules Holden | 29 Apr 2024 | Board meeting report, Important News, Info/Events for Parents, Junior School, Library Channel, Library/Te Rapunga, Middle School, Principal's News, PTA, Uncategorised
Kia ora e te whānau Welcome to Term 2. I hope you and your whānau have had a great holiday break. Swimming Pool Update We are delighted to share that we have secured funding for the initial stage of our pool renovations, which will get our pool up and running again....
by Jules Holden | 12 Dec 2023 | Announcements, ICT, Important News, Info/Events for Parents, Junior School, Library/Te Rapunga, Opinion, Principal's News, PTA, School Events, School Newsletter, Senior School
Please see the link below for our Years 7-10 Prizegiving Livestream. Being held at 12pm on 12th December.
by Jules Holden | 5 Dec 2023 | Announcements, Important News, Junior School, Library/Te Rapunga, Principal's News, School Events, School Newsletter, Senior School, Surf Academy, Te Rōpū Aroha Ki Te Reo, Uncategorised
Tēnā koutou e te whānau This is the last Principal newsletter for 2023. The end of the school year has arrived and the last day for kura is Wednesday 13th December at midday. Please ensure that you have arranged for your child to get home safely at this time. The...
by Jules Holden | 11 Aug 2023 | Junior School, Library/Te Rapunga, Middle School, Principal's News, School Newsletter, Senior School, Uncategorised
Kia ora e te whānau We have had lots of bugs circulating over the last few weeks; including colds, flu and covid. We would like to give a friendly reminder to parents and caregivers to please keep your children home if they are sick. If they have covid symptoms...
by Jules Holden | 28 Jul 2023 | Announcements, Board meeting report, Important News, Junior School, Library Channel, Library/Te Rapunga, Principal's News, School Newsletter, Senior School, Surf Academy, Te Rōpū Aroha Ki Te Reo, Uncategorised
Kia ora e te whānau On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I hope that everyone in our school community is keeping well despite the horrible weather and colds and flus that come with it. The next 5 months will be a busy time for the Board of Trustees as we will be...
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