Alert Level 2 Status REINSTATED from MONDAY 1 March 2021

Alert Level 2 Status REINSTATED from MONDAY 1 March 2021

Kia ora koutou School is open at Raglan Area School on Monday 1 March 2021 but we are again at ALERT LEVEL 2. I encourage you to watch the news and/or go online to keep updated with the latest COVID-19 news developments. There are more cases of COVID-19 in South...
Uniform update 8 December 2020

Uniform update 8 December 2020

Tēnā koutou e te whānau o te Kura A Rohe o Whaingaroa Thank you to all who have responded in many ways to the information that we have been sharing online about the proposed introduction of a school uniform for Raglan Area School. This notice will be printed in hard...