by Office Manager | 12 Apr 2018 | Important News, Info/Events for Parents, Principal's News, School Newsletter
Tena koutou te whanau o Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa, Greetings to all of our whanau and to our students. The Students Leadership Team will be representing Raglan Area School on ANZAC day in the commemorative speeches. This will be Grace and Joel as head students. Four...
by Office Manager | 29 Mar 2018 | Info/Events for Parents, Junior School, Middle School, Principal's News, School Newsletter, Senior School
Tena koe te whanau o Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa. Greetings to all of our whanau and to our students. I would like to congratulate Donna Fisher on her successful application for the position of RTLB based at Raglan Area School and working in schools between here and...
by Office Manager | 28 Mar 2018 | Announcements, Important News, Info/Events for Parents, Junior School, Middle School, Principal's News, Rūmaki Reo, Senior School
A school Charter is the guiding document for a school. It gives the community a view into the stated special character of a school and it’s future directions that reflect the intent and aspirations of the Community, Board, Teachers, and Students. The Charter is...
by Office Manager | 16 Mar 2018 | Principal's News, School Newsletter
Tena koutou te whanau o Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa Greetings to all of our whanau and to our students. Aroha Hohepa our New Deputy Principal will be coming to Raglan in the term break and we are keeping an eye out for a suitable residence for her so, if you have, or...
by Office Manager | 2 Mar 2018 | Info/Events for Parents, Principal's News, School Newsletter, Te Rōpū Aroha Ki Te Reo
Kia ora te whanau o Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa You will know that the Board of Trustees advertised for the position of Deputy Principal and interviewed candidates last week. On Monday night the Board ratified the appointment of Aroha Hohepa. We are very excited at...
by Tara Wrigley | 28 Feb 2018 | Announcements, Important News, Principal's News
Kia ora te whanau o te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa, We have been given the pleasure of contributing a few introductory words about our new Deputy Principal, Aroha Hohepa. Aroha has written a letter to the community which we provide for you below and we also wanted to...
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