by Office Manager | 24 Mar 2015 | Rūmaki Reo, Te Rōpū Aroha Ki Te Reo
He Mihi Matakuikui A massive mihi goes out to our tuakana in Matariki who supported the Nikau, Knowles and Batt whānau who started their pēpi at Kōhanga reo last week. Manawarū ana te ngākau te kite atu i ēnei mahi rangatira☺ Waka Kōpapa Nei ra te mihi anō ki ngā...
by Office Manager | 16 Mar 2015 | Rūmaki Reo, Te Rōpū Aroha Ki Te Reo
He Mihi Maioha E rere nei ngā mihi ki ngā whānau katoa i tautoko i tō tātou puni i te wiki tuatoru. A big massive thank you to all parents who contributed and supported our camp at Mōtakotako pā. Day one with our tuakana was wonderful climbing our maunga and finishing...
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