Wednesday 18th May, 10.40am
Nau mai, haere mai. You are cordially invited to the 2016 Raglan Area School Junior Cross Country Event.
Please note: If the weather is not suitable on Wednesday, postponement day is Thursday 19th May, at 10.40am.
Students are required to wear clothes appropriate for the occasion and the weather, including a hat, and a warm jersey. Footwear is optional, however recommended, as there are prickles and small stones on some parts of the course. The children need to have a named drink bottle (water only please!) for re-hydrating after their race. Ensure these are handed to classroom teachers before racing.
A full school Celebration Hui will be held in the school hall Friday 20th at 10:10am, where the student successes will be celebrated, and the school representative team announced. Nau mai, kake mai!
First and second place qualifiers will be invited to represent Raglan Area School at the Western Cluster Cross Country Race Day at Waitetuna on Friday 27 May. (Third and fourth place finishers will be invited to stand as back ups.)
Order of Events: 12 yr girls, 12 yr boys, 11 yr girls, 11 yr boys, 10 yr girls, 8 yr girls, 10 yr boys, 8 yr boys, 9 yr girls, 5 yr girls, 9 yr boys, 5 yr boys, 7 yr girls, 6 yr girls, 7 yr boys, 6 yr boys. Races will start in waves.
We look forward to seeing you all,
Raglan Area School Junior School & Te Ropu Aroha ki te Reo staff
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