
Our Junior School (Yrs 0-6)

primary-school-classesIn keeping with our School Mission Statement, we are committed to “Celebrating Education in a Bi-Cultural Environment’.  We provide opportunities for every student to be happy, confident and successful through a learning programme based on our school values, key competencies, stimulating learning environments and an enriched curriculum.

Knowing our students and their whanau is important to us.  We believe in developing caring and respectful relationships and working closely in partnership with you to promote a successful learning community.  We welcome parents to help our students in the classroom, and to support trips, camps and other opportunities for Education Outside the Classroom.

At Raglan Area School we are committed to high achievement across all subjects.  While Reading, Writing and Mathematics are the focus of the National Standards, we ensure they are integrated in the other curriculum areas.  We have a passion for facilitating learning through the Arts and Technology.

Juniors-11 Feb 2015We strive to provide a wide range of learning experiences that give our students the opportunity to develop and apply lifelong skills.  We make use of the immediate environment to provide learning opportunities that support the visions of the wider Whaingaroa/Raglan community.  Being an Enviro-School means that we value and undertake sustainable practices.  We were proud to achieve the Silver Enviro-Schools status in 2011, and the school community is working towards to the Green-Gold Award.

To support our science and environmental programmes, we make use of local resources; Raglan Museum, Xtreme Waste, community groups etc. We have immediate access to the Kaitoke Walkway with its native trees, insects and birds; and the tidal surrounds and mud flats for learning about the estuarine environment.

The school has a camping area on Hao Kotare (the peninsula below the bottom field) which is well utilised for student learning. As the students get older, their experiences extend beyond the immediate community.

We embrace our bi-cultural country-Aoteroa/ New Zealand. All year 0-6 students are taught basic Te Reo Maori learn waiata and kapa haka and embrace these when welcoming visitors to our school.

We are proud of our achievements, having high expectations and aspirations for the future. We invite you and your children to come and join us to be part of our success.