Middle School Notices

Keeping our middle school parents informed

In this section you’ll find all news relating to our middle school students. If there is something that you’re looking for, or you think we’ve missed, please let us know. You can also view all the School News.

Can you help us to increase donations and fund raising at our school?

Can you help us to increase donations and fund raising at our school?

As part of our strategic planning process (formalised in our 2018 School Charter), we set some pretty ambitious goals for our school and students for the coming years. In order to support our plans it is critical that we increase the amount of donations and...

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What is the school’s position on allowing onsite vaccinations to our students?

What is the school’s position on allowing onsite vaccinations to our students?

At times some members of our community have raised concerns about the School being used as a site for vaccinations of students by the Ministry of Health. Our Board of Trustees believes it has an obligation to support parental choices for the health and wellbeing of...

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