Middle School Notices
Keeping our middle school parents informed
In this section you’ll find all news relating to our middle school students. If there is something that you’re looking for, or you think we’ve missed, please let us know. You can also view all the School News.
Senior Swimming Sports
On Monday 2 March the Senior school had their Swimming Sports. It was a stunning day, really really hot and the sun was out! Even with sunblock students got sun burnt. Almost everyone in Year 8-10 participated in either the competitive or the non-competitive sections....
Two Rugby Teams for Raglan Area School
Raglan Area School is very excited to inform you that 2015 will be the year that Raglan will field two Rugby Teams in the Waikato Secondary Schools Competition. We will be entering an Under 16 team and an Under 65 kilo team. The Under 16 team will be coached by Greg...
Girls’ Rugby Team Gaining Momentum
A new and exciting initiative for Raglan Area School is our Girls' Rugby Team. Reuben Samuel Waikato Rugby Development Officer will be coming to Raglan Area School on the 18th March to offer skills and technical support to the girls. They have been entered into the...
Passion Learning – Learning from the Heart
Today Hineora started their Inquiry Learning around their passions. Inquiry learning is a way of learning that encourages a process of exploration. It is a way of helping students to ask questions and search for new understandings and learn! It is really exciting to...
Hineora students making clay labels for harakeke (flax)
As part of our Community Service project the Hineora class has started making name-tags out of clay to label the different harakeke in the harakeke garden (pa harakeke), located near the front school car park. Once this is done the girls are looking to make art pieces...
Yrs 8-10 Swimming Sports Notice – Monday 2 March
We are once again holding our annual swimming sport. This year’s event is on Monday 2 March between 9:30am - 3:00 p.m. It is compulsory for all the Year 8 – 10 students to participate in the swimming sports this year. They will be expected to compete in either the...