Middle School Notices
Keeping our middle school parents informed
In this section you’ll find all news relating to our middle school students. If there is something that you’re looking for, or you think we’ve missed, please let us know. You can also view all the School News.
‘Strike Announcement’ PPTA Rostered Home Strike Schedule
Kia ora e te Whānau Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa / Raglan Area School ‘Strike Announcement’ PPTA Rostered Home Strike Schedule The Raglan Area School Board of Trustees have been advised that Teachers of our school who are members of the Post Primary...
Term 2 PPTA (Secondary Teachers Union) Industrial Actions
Kia ora koutou Welcome back to Term 2. I hope everyone has had a relaxing and enjoyable Easter break. You will be aware that the PPTA (The New Zealand Post Primary Teachers' Association / Te Wehengarua) Teacher's union and Ministry of Education are yet to reach...
End of Term 1 2023 School Office Newsletter
Kia ora koutou A few end of term messages from the team in the office. End of Term One Reminder that Thursday 6th April is the last day of term, school finishes at 3pm as usual. Start of Term Two The first day of Term Two for students is Wednesday 26th April, start...
Cyclone Gabrielle Funds… & Why are our Teachers Striking ???
27 March 2023 Kia ora e te whānau o Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa CYCLONE GABRIELLE FUNDRAISING EFFORTS It has been a full and rewarding Term One and I thank you all for your continued support of all that we do at Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa - Raglan Area School . We...
HEADS UP: Possible PPTA Strike Action Wednesday 29 March (Year 7-13)
Kia ora koutou This message is for the parents and caregivers of students in Kura Tuakana (Years 7 - 13). The New Zealand Post Primary Teachers' Association / Te Wehengarua (PPTA) have announced that there is a strong possibility that they will carry out strike action...
Raglan Teachers Strike Action Thursday 16 March 11.00am – 1.00pm
Kia ora koutou Raglan Teachers are joining our colleagues from throughout Aotearoa New Zealand in Strike Action this Thursday 16 March 2023. We are staging a hikoi / march starting at 11am at Raglan Area School then proceeding along to the end of Norrie...
Super Hero Disco – Friday, March 17 – Years 0-10
On Friday we are holding a Super Hero Disco Fundraiser for Cyclone Gabrielle victims in the RAS Hall. Food, lollies, ice blocks and drinks will be available for purchase. Like to support? Drop off some home baking at the hall from 2pm Years 0-3: 3-4pm Years...
Strike Closure Announcement – Thursday 16th March 2023
Message from our Raglan Area School Board of Trustees Kia ora e te Whānau The Raglan Area School Board of Trustees has been advised that the Principal and Teachers of our school who are members of the Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) and New Zealand...
School Photo Day 22nd March
Kia ora Koutou Our School Photo provider is coming in to take our school photos on Wednesday 22nd March. They will take photos of individual students and class photos on this day. Sibling Photos If you would like a sibling photo taken - Print a Sibling Photo Request...
Whole School Teacher Strike – Thursday 16 March 2023
Kia ora koutou As well as the Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) announcing their strike, the New Zealand Educational Institute (NZEI) (of which our Years 0-6 Kura Teina Teachers are members) have ALSO announced a nationwide strike on Thursday 16th March 2023. ...