Dear Parents / Caregivers
Kiaora Koutou
We look forward to seeing you this Thursday. I would like to share some information that may be helpful as you make final preparations for your children to come into school.
Whakatau this Thursday 7 February
When you arrive at school on Thursday, staff members will be at the entrance ways to welcome you, to answer any immediate queries and to direct you to where you need to go. The day will begin for all with a whakatau (welcome) for all at 8.50am. We would appreciate it if everyone could be at school no later than 8.45am.
Class Lists
Following the whakatau, school leaders will accompany all students and their whanau to designated spaces to read out class lists. The teachers will then take the students to their rooms. Whanau are welcome to go with them to see where these spaces are and to receive any messages that teachers may choose to give out at this time.
After School Supervision
This will be provided for students of families who need this support each day after school from 2.30pm until 3.00pm. Your children may be collected from the school hall. This week and next week the Principal and Deputy Principals will be in the hall at this time to meet with you and to talk 1-1 as needed. A more permanent After School Care provision is being investigated. Interested parents will be kept informed.
School Buses
There is NO change to the school bus runs in the morning. Students who use the buses in the afternoon will be collected at the following times. Teachers will ensure that new students are shown where the pick up point at school is to get on to these buses. The younger students who catch the Te Uku / Waitetuna bus are welcome to wait in the hall.
- Whale Bay bus – 2:30 pm
- Te Mata – 2:45 pm
- Te Uku / Waitetuna 3:05pm
Advance Notice
The Principal and Deputy Principals will be available to meet face to face with parents who would like to hear more detail about the 2.30pm time change to the end of the school day. We will share some day and evening slots where this will be happening at the beginning of next week. If you wish to make contact in writing, please feel free to send an email to
Ngaa mihi nui

Louisa BarhamTumuaki / Principal
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