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Principal’s News
Learning Conversations: Tue 1st, Wed 2nd & Thurs 3rd August
Dear Whānau / Parents/Caregivers CHECK IN Learning Conversations: Tue 1st, Wed 2nd & Thurs 3rd August We invite you and your child to come and meet with the teachers to talk about your child’s learning needs. We are offering IN PERSON or an online...
School Road Safety Message from Raglan Police
A message from Raglan Police Police have been working with Raglan Area School and the Waikato District Council to improve the safety of our Raglan Area School Students during pick up and drop off times. Traffic congestion, inconsiderate parking and parking in a...
STRIKE UPDATE: Strike Action Withdrawn & Year 9-13 12pm Finish Wednesday 28 June
Kia ora te whānau Strike Action Withdrawn We have been notified by the PPTA (Post Primary Teachers Association) that they have withdrawn their strike action. This immediately ends all strike action currently being taken by PPTA members covered by the Area...