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Principal’s News
Pānui-ā-Tumuaki Tuarua #1 2023
Kura Teina News Kura Tuakana News We have had a terrific start to 2023. Kura Teina is made up of 14 classrooms. We have 4 Yr 0-2 classrooms; 4 Yr 3-4 classrooms and 4 Yr 5-6 classrooms plus two Maori Medium classes. We have 5 kaiako who are either new...
Important Message: Kura Teina (Years 0-6) 12:20pm finish on Friday 3 March
Kura Teina (Year 0-6) 12:20pm finish on Friday 3 March This message applies only to Year 0 - 6 Students in Kura Teina Kia ora e te whānau Many of our teaching staff are members of the NZEI Te Riu Roa teachers’ union and will be attending a paid union meeting on the...
Learning Conversations: Tue 28 Feb, Wed 1 March, Thu 2 March
Dear Whānau, Parents & Caregivers We invite you and your child to come and meet with the teachers to talk about your child’s learning needs. We are offering IN PERSON or an online VIDEO CONFERENCE. To make your meeting time for either option - you need to book...