Meet Our Principal
Principal’s News
Students – Absences, Reports, Lost Property & Phone Line Update.
Kia Ora from the Office Staff A couple of updates from the Raglan Area School Office. Phone Lines Down As of today (5th July) our phone lines are still down, Chorus and Spark are working to resolve the issue but have not been able to give us a timeline as to when it...
Board of Trustees Elections 2022
Kia ora e te whānau 2022 is Board of Trustees Election year, so I wanted to share the process with you. Once every three years parents and caregivers are given an opportunity to apply to be elected as a member of the Board of Trustees. Our Board of Trustees are valued...
We are back on Site Monday 13 June
Kia ora e te whānau Welcome Back on site We very much look forward to seeing our students and staff who are well back on site next Monday 13 June 2022. We hope for as little disruption to learning as possible over these last four weeks of the school term. We thank you...