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Principal’s News
Share your thoughts / School Disco / Raglan’s Got Talent
Share your thoughts about our school Have your say about the next two years at Raglan Area School We would love to hear from you regarding what you would like for our school for the next two years. Share your thoughts by completing the survey by Friday 22nd...
Pānui-ā-Tumuaki Tuarua #3 2023
Tena koutou katoa, nau mai ki ta matou panui 🙂 Kura Teina News Kia ora e te Whanau - greetings to all. Term 3 Highlights - so far! It was a pleasure for the Kura Teina Kaiako to meet and speak with whanau at the Learning Conversations earlier this term. We had...
Community Consultation Hui – Help Shape the Future of your School
Kia ora e te whaanau Naumai, Haere mai. The new framework for school planning and reporting, called Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi│Planning Together for Ākonga Success: Our School, Our Community is now in place. Our Board of Trustees is seeking your feedback to help us to...