Our Board of Trustees

Every state school in New Zealand has a Board of Trustees usually made up of elected parent representatives, the Principal as the boards Chief executive, an elected staff representative, an elected student representative if the school has secondary students and co-opted trustees.

Boards of Trustees are accountable to whanau, local communities, the Minister of Education and the Ministry of Education and other agencies for their actions and performance. This accountability explains why the Educational Review Team (ERO) report to the board with regard to the progress of the school. Read our ERO Reports.

The board is responsible for school strategic and policy direction, ensuring student safety, quality education for students, and for overseeing management of curriculum, staff, property, finances and administration and also for the monitoring and reviewing against targets to inform planning.

If you would like to contact our Board of Trustees, please email: botsecretary@raglanarea.school.nz

Follow these links to view copies of our 2023 School Charter and our 2023 Annual Plan.

Our Current Board Members

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