Sports / Hākinakina
Sports at Raglan Area School
Sport is a very important part of the culture of Raglan Area School. Students throughout the School are encouraged to participate in a wide range of sporting activities, and opportunities for them to do so are numerous.
We will regularly be posting news about Sports Events on this page.
If you would like to find out more information about any of these events you can contact xxxx.
Sports News / Notices
Pānui-ā-Tumuaki Tuarua #3 2023
Tena koutou katoa, nau mai ki ta matou panui 🙂 Kura Teina News Kia ora e te Whanau - greetings to all. Term 3 Highlights - so far! It was a pleasure for the Kura Teina Kaiako to meet and speak with whanau at the Learning Conversations earlier this term. We had...
Kura Tuakana (Years 7-13) Sports Day – Friday 3rd March
Our Kura Tuakana Sports Day is being held next Friday 3rd March, please see timetable above for the day. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing, footwear and a hat. Please also ensure they have sunblock and a water bottle. Any queries please contact...
Sports at Raglan Area School 2023
Registrations are now open for some of our 2023 Sports. To register online for any of these sports - please head over to our RAS Sports Website [LINK]. From here, click on the tab of the sport you would like to register for. Underneath the photo is a link to the...
Kia ora Koutou. With many enquiries coming in to the school regarding the weather conditions and the effect on the school, I wish to inform you all that I have met with our Presiding Chairs. and based on the information available to us about the current weather...
Sports Events Calendar
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