He Hītori / Our History
I te tau 1989 i tīmata ai a Wini Bidois i Te Rōpū Aroha ki te Reo. Ko te āhua rua tekau noa iho ngā ākonga i taua wā, mai ngā tau kore ki te whā. Ko te reo pākeha i ngā ata, ā, ko te reo Māori hei ngā ahiahi.
Ko te tino kaupapa o te Rōpū ko te whāngai i te reo me ngā tikanga a kui mā a koro mā. Hei te tau 1990 i eke ai ngā nama o te Rōpū, kaha ake hoki te reo. Hei te tau whai muri i eke ngā nama ki te whā tekau, e rua hoki ngā kaiako. Ko te whāinga kia eke ngā nama, kia rūmaki hoki katoa ngā akomanga.
I te tau 2000 i tūwhera te whare o Te Puawaitanga. E whitu tekau mā iwa ngā tamariki mai ngā tau kore ki ngā tau tekau mā tahi. I te tau 2003 e rūmaki katoa ngā akomanga e rima.
I ēnei rā ka mihi kau ana ki a rātou mā i whakatū ai tō tātou Rōpū kia whai oranga tō tātou reo, ō tātou tikanga me ō tātou tamariki mokopuna. Kia mau, kia ū, kia kaua hoki rawa tātou e warewaretia te tāonga i waihotia tō tātou Kui.
Te Rōpū Aroha ki te reo was established in 1989 by Wini Bidois. There were approximately twenty students ranging from year zero to year four. English was spoken in the mornings and reo Māori in the afternoons. The main objective of the Rōpū was to strengthen our reo and tikanga.
In 1990 numbers increased as well as the amount of Māori spoken. The year after there were forty students and two teachers. The main objective was to increase numbers and have total immersion in the Rōpū.
In 2000 Te Puawaitanga was opened and there we’re seventy nine students ranging between years zero to years eleven.
In 2003 Te Rōpū Aroha ki te Reo had five total immersion classrooms.
We give thanks to all who established our Rōpū to strengthen our reo and tikanga within our tamariki mokopuna. We will cherish and never forget the tāonga our E Kui has left us.