Rūmaki Reo Notices
Keeping our Rūmaki Reo Whanau Informed
In this section you’ll find all news relating to our Rūmaki Reo students. If there is something that you’re looking for, or you think we’ve missed, please let us know. You can also view all the School News.

Covid-19 Update – 23 March 2020 – School to close
Kia ora koutou whanau Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that schools around New Zealand will be shut from tomorrow to try and stop the spread of Covid-19. It comes as the Covid-19 alert level was raised to three today, with it set to be raised to level 4 -...

COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) Update – 16 March 2020
Teenaa koutou e te whanau o te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION ANNOUNCEMENT The World Health Organisation has declared COVID-19 to be a world wide pandemic. The Ministry of Health has been working through its pandemic plan since January. You will...

COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) Update – March 2020
As you are no doubt aware, three cases of Coronavirus have now been confirmed in New Zealand. We are therefore bringing forward our usual ‘flu-season’ procedures to help avoid the spread of any infectious disease in our school community. Basic hygiene measures are the...

RAS Newsletter, 13 December 2019
RAS Digital Newsletter

RAS Road Safety Survey
Dear all We want to determine exactly how our students are getting to and from school - i.e. walking, cars, buses etc as a part of a data-gathering process for a PTA focus committee who are looking at ways of improving road safety for our students. We will then pass...

RAS Newsletter, Term 4, Week 3
Term 4, Week 3 newsletter Please follow the above link to read our latest school newsletter

Principal’s news, Term 4, Week 3
Teenaa koutou e te whanau o te Kura A Rohe o Whaingaroa Education Review Office onsite Thursday 31 October and Friday 1 November 2019 On Thursday 31 October and Friday 1 November, we had the Education Review Office (ERO) visiting our school. They were here to look at...

Cross Country Is On
Kia ora The Cross Country is going ahead today. The 9, 10, 11 and 12 year olds will start at 9 am The 5, 6, 7 and 8 year olds will start after morning tea at 11 am

Student Learning Conversations
Dear Whaanau / Parents/Caregivers Parent & Teacher & Student Learning Conversations - 13, 14, 15 and 16 May It is our pleasure to now invite you to take an opportunity to come and meet with your child’s teachers. The classroom teachers will be available to...

Free Ear Clinic, 6 March 2019
Outside the School Hall between 9:15am - 2:00pm, lunch time will be posted on the door. Glue ear, wax removal, grommet checks, discharging ears. Children must be accompanied by an adult or caregiver