Rūmaki Reo Notices
Keeping our Rūmaki Reo Whanau Informed
In this section you’ll find all news relating to our Rūmaki Reo students. If there is something that you’re looking for, or you think we’ve missed, please let us know. You can also view all the School News.

Whanui Hui Postponed
The whanau hui that was scheduled for tonight (12 February) has been postponed until next Tuesday (19 February). The reason being, we have had new families join us today, and we would like to give everyone an opportunity to join with us next Tuesday. The meeting will...

Notice from the principal re start of school year
Dear Parents / Caregivers Kiaora Koutou We look forward to seeing you this Thursday. I would like to share some information that may be helpful as you make final preparations for your children to come into school. Whakatau this Thursday 7 February When you arrive at...

Daily Time Table
Below is our 2019, and beyond, timetable. 8.20 Gates Open 8.50 – 9.00 Whanau 9.00 – 9.45 Period 1 9.45 – 10.30 Period 2 10.30 – 10.50 Interval 10.50 – 11.35 Period 3 11.35 – 12.20 Period 4 12.20 – 1.00 Lunch 1.00 – 1.45 Period 5 1.45 – 2.30 Period...

News from the Principal
He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa. Warmest Greetings to all our families. We look forward to welcoming you and your children to school next Thursday 7th February. On behalf of the Board of Trustees may I first apologise for the delay in keeping you informed about some...

Junior Golf Coaching
Junior Golf Coaching restarts this Thursday 25 October until December 13th from 3.30-4.30pm at the Raglan Golf Club. All gear is provided but non members will need a gold coin fee to participate. Cancellations will be rung in before 1pm on Thursdays. Enquiries to...

RAS Newsletter, 31 August 2018
Tēnā koutou e te whānau, Often we hear sport is character building, perhaps though one could argue it is more character revealing. Last night Quenten and I were privileged to witness our Junior Boys Basketball Team take the court for the finals in Rototuna. When you...

Free Ear Clinic at Kura Today
Open from 9:15 am - 2:00 pm, lunch between 12:30 pm and 1:00 pm. Visit the ear nurse for advice on: Glue ear assessment and management; wax/foreign body removal; grommet checks; treatment of discharging ears. For further information regarding this service, please...
School Bus Stop
We would like to ask all parents and caregivers not to park in the bus stop or on the broken yellow lines around the roundabout when dropping off or picking up students. We need enough space for three buses to manoeuvre around the roundabout, pull in and pull out...

Can you help us to increase donations and fund raising at our school?
As part of our strategic planning process (formalised in our 2018 School Charter), we set some pretty ambitious goals for our school and students for the coming years. In order to support our plans it is critical that we increase the amount of donations and...

What is the school’s position on allowing onsite vaccinations to our students?
At times some members of our community have raised concerns about the School being used as a site for vaccinations of students by the Ministry of Health. Our Board of Trustees believes it has an obligation to support parental choices for the health and wellbeing of...