Rūmaki Reo Notices
Keeping our Rūmaki Reo Whanau Informed
In this section you’ll find all news relating to our Rūmaki Reo students. If there is something that you’re looking for, or you think we’ve missed, please let us know. You can also view all the School News.

RAS Newsletter, 25 May 2018
Tena koutou te whanau o Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa, Greetings to all of our whanau and to our students. A reminder that our next Teachers Only Day (TOD) is on Tuesday 5 June (attached to Queen’s Birthday weekend). These days do not shorten the teaching year and are...

Teacher Only Day this Friday (11 May)

Rumaki Reo: Keeping it Reo within Whaingaroa
Manawa Mai Manawa mai te putanga o te ariki Manawa mai te putanga o te tauira Ka eke ki Rongorupe Ke eke ki Rangitahuahua Tenei te whatu kei au Kei te kaunga tapu te mauri Tu te whiwhi-a-Nuku Tu te whiwhi-a-Rangi Kei te whiwhia i waho Kei te rawea i waho Puritia mai i...

School Holiday Surf Program

Term 2 Teacher Only Days
We have two Teacher Only Days in Term 2. Please mark them on your calendar. Friday 11 May and Tuesday 5 June
Read our 2018 School Charter
A school Charter is the guiding document for a school. It gives the community a view into the stated special character of a school and it's future directions that reflect the intent and aspirations of the Community, Board, Teachers, and Students. The Charter is...

RAS Newsletter, 2 March 2018
Kia ora te whanau o Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa You will know that the Board of Trustees advertised for the position of Deputy Principal and interviewed candidates last week. On Monday night the Board ratified the appointment of Aroha Hohepa. We are very excited at...

RAS Newsletter, 16 February 2018
Tena koe e te whanau Greetings to all of our whanau and to our students. Yes it is hot and yes very humid and we are doing our best to ensure classrooms are as cool as is possible and taking advantage of our school pool. Hats are of course essential when students are...

Welcome to the 2018 school year
Kia ora te whanau o Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa A very warm welcome to the beginning of our school year. The powhiri this morning was very well attended and I would like to thank those whanau that were able to take the time to join us. We notice each year, and...
Key themes from the RAS Community Consultation Survey
In November 2017 the Board of Trustees commenced a month long period of Community Consultation with our community (whanau, students, staff, community and mana whenua) to gather feedback and ideas for input into our 2018 RAS Charter. Consultation began with a public...