Rūmaki Reo Notices
Keeping our Rūmaki Reo Whanau Informed
In this section you’ll find all news relating to our Rūmaki Reo students. If there is something that you’re looking for, or you think we’ve missed, please let us know. You can also view all the School News.

Te Roopu Aroha ki te Reo
Mehemea ka moemoeā ahau, ko ahau anake Mehemea ka moemoeā tātou, ka tāea e tātou Ka puta ka ora paimārire Ngā whakawhetai ki te runga rawa Kia tau āna manaakitanga ki runga i tō tātou Kīngi Ki ngā mate o te wā, moe mai rā Ki a koutou te whānau tēnā koutou katoa ...

RAS Newsletter 1 September 2017
Kia ora te whanau o Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa Theatre Sports Success A huge congratulations to Sasha, Jack, Connor and Mason and to their dedicated teacher Ruth, for their impressive win at the Regional Theatre Sports competition where as first time entries from...

RAS Newsletter 18 August 2017
Kia ora whanau and families of Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa, Raglan Area School. I am very grateful to all of those who came to the ‘Working Bee’ for our gardens, particularly around the new junior block. Plenty of helpers with skills to share, great camaraderie,...

Kia hiwa ra, kia hiwa ra
Te Ropu Aroha ki Te Reo E te tī, e te tā, He kupu whakamihia ēnei e rere ana, ko te manako e koakoa ana tātou ki ngā wā kainga nā ngā hihi o Tamanuiterā e whiti mai ana. He paku noa te pānui nei – he kupu whakamaumahara, he kupu whakamārama hoki. Tēnā pānuihia....

Mobile Ear Clinic
A reminder to everyone that the Mobile Ear Clinic is hear today. It will be leaving at 2.45pm.

Te Ropu Aroha ki te Reo
Mehemea ka moemoeā ahau, ko ahau anake Mehemea ka moemoeā tātou, ka tāea e tātou Ka puta ka ora paimārire Ngā whakawhetai ki Te Runga Rawa Kia tau āna manaakitanga ki runga i tō tātou Kīngi Ki ngā mate o te wā, moe mai rā Ki a koutou te whānau tēnā koutou katoa ...

RAS Golf Championship 2017
Wednesday 31 May 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm Divisions: Year 6-8 and Year 9-13 At the Raglan Golf Club, Te Hutewai Road Pre registration required, please see Matua Peter or Matua Glenn Transport: Van available to and from school

Te Roopu Aroha ki te Reo Update
He kupu whakamihi… E rere ana ngā kupu whakamihi ki ngā whanau i tae ā tinana ki ngā pō uiui. It is always a privilege to share the joys of learning with you all. Ngā mihi matakuikui. If you were unable to attend the pō uiui, and you wish to talk with your tamaiti’s...

RAS Newsletter – 26 May 2017
Kia ora whanau and families of Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa, Raglan Area School. We have students involved in several cultural and musical regional competitions and it is delightful to have the band, B Major (members Sasha, Jack, Emily, Dughall, Sven, Joel and Kate)...
Free Ear Clinic Service At Kura Tomorrow (23rd May)
You can visit the ear nurse for advice on: glue ear assessment and management; wax/foreign body removal; grommet checks; treatment of discharging ears. The clinic will be open from 9.15 am - 2.45 pm