Rūmaki Reo Notices

Keeping our Rūmaki Reo Whanau Informed

In this section you’ll find all news relating to our Rūmaki Reo students. If there is something that you’re looking for, or you think we’ve missed, please let us know. You can also view all the School News.

Te Roopu Aroha ki te Reo

Te Roopu Aroha ki te Reo

Mehemea ka moemoeā ahau, ko ahau anake Mehemea ka moemoeā tātou, ka tāea e tātou Ka puta ka ora paimārire Ngā whakawhetai ki te runga rawa Kia tau āna manaakitanga ki runga i tō tātou Kīngi Ki ngā mate o te wā, moe mai rā Ki a koutou te whānau tēnā koutou katoa  ...