Rūmaki Reo Notices
Keeping our Rūmaki Reo Whanau Informed
In this section you’ll find all news relating to our Rūmaki Reo students. If there is something that you’re looking for, or you think we’ve missed, please let us know. You can also view all the School News.

Ropu Te Kopua trip
Kia Ora te whānau, Te Rōpū Aroha ki te Reo will be walking down to Te Kōpua on Friday the 10th of February for a day of Whakawhanaungatanga. Tamariki need: a big packed lunch, a water bottle, swimwear, a towel, a hat appropriate clothing and footwear and a gold...

Mobile Dental Unit
Happy new year to all. Our unit is currently at Te Mata school for approx. 3 weeks then we head to Raglan Area School. Should you have any queries, you can contact us on 0800 825 583 or 07 8599160.

Welcome to the 2017 school year
Tena koe te whanau Greetings to all of our whanau and to our students. A warm greeting to you all and a welcome back to the New Year to those of you who know us well. A special greeting and welcome to those of you who will be joining our school community for the first...

School Pool is CLOSED
We hope to see the school pool open again by the 13th of February

Water Update at Raglan Area School
We have just received, from Waikato District Council, 1,000 litres of drinking water which should last us two to three days. Waikato Tainui have very generously donated 200-240 drinking bottles, which are on their way to us now.

School Is Open Today
We have spoken to the Ministry of Education and the District Council and have decided to keep the school open for now. We will be supplied with water for drinking, but it would be good if you could send your child/ren to school with their own drinking bottle (some...
Free Ear Clinic
Tuesday 22 November 8.30 am - 1.34 pm (Closed for lunch between 12 pm-1 pm) All children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. For enquiries regarding this service, please call us on 838 3565 Visit the ear nurse for advice on: Glue ear assessment and...
Click on this link: schedule-raglan-school-150th-jubilee

Jubilee Reunion Update
Labour weekend is booked and ready to ‘rock and roll’ with over three hundred registrations we expect that people meeting people will be the highlight for most. You will have seen the advertisements for the reunion weekend and the closing of registrations signalling...

Paid Union Meeting 12 September 2016
I wish to advise that a paid union meeting (PUM), an entitlement under 26 of the Employment Relations Act 2000, will be held at the Claudelands Arena on Monday 12 September 2016, commencing at 9 a.m. and concluding at 11 a.m. with staff expected to return to school by...