It’s Board election time again.  Next term you will be electing board members for the next three years.  The Returning Officer for this election is Bernardine Vester from My School Election.  Bernardine has sent through the link to the nomination form early to allow the enthusiasts in our community to put their name forward even before the official Call for Nominations goes out on the 15th of July.

Link to nomination form

Election timeline

Main Roll closes:  Wednesday 13 July

Call for Nominations:  No later than 15 July.  

Supplementary Roll closes: Monday 1 August

Nominations close: Wednesday 3 August

If there are more nominations than vacancies, then parents and caregivers will receive an invitation to vote..  

Voting starts:  Wednesday 10 August

Election day is September 7.

Voting count:  Tuesday 13 September

New board in place:  Wednesday 14 September.  

If you wish to stand for the board, it is recommended that you provide a candidate statement and photograph. The electoral roll will be held at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours.