School News
Here are all our latest news items. If you can’t find what you’re looking for please Contact Us.
If you would like to submit an article or news item, please Contact Us.
Tree Planting Day Schedule
Kia ora e te whānau This Thursday the 4th of August is our school-wide tree planting day. I wanted to share the schedule for the day with you. Just a couple of points to note: Food and water for students and staff will be provided on the day by Meridian Energy....
Save the Date – Learning Conversations
Kia ora e te whānau We will shortly be inviting you to catch up with your child’s teachers online. This is a targeted opportunity for you to talk to the teacher about your child’s welfare and learning; in particular the end of Term 2 written report outcomes. These...
School Board Elections 2022
It's Board election time again. Next term you will be electing board members for the next three years. The Returning Officer for this election is Bernardine Vester from My School Election. Bernardine has sent through the link to the nomination form early to allow...
End of Term Principal’s Newsletter
Kia ora e te whānau I hope this finds you well, it has been an incredibly challenging term with so many bugs and winter ailments affecting our students, staff and whānau. I acknowledge how particularly challenging it may have been for whānau, especially with the...
Students – Absences, Reports, Lost Property & Phone Line Update.
Kia Ora from the Office Staff A couple of updates from the Raglan Area School Office. Phone Lines Down As of today (5th July) our phone lines are still down, Chorus and Spark are working to resolve the issue but have not been able to give us a timeline as to when it...
Kura Teina (Year 5&6) Update
Tēnā koutou e te whānau. We are excited to let our whānau know about the impending move into our new collaborative spaces in the next week or so. By the end of Term 2, all three Yr 5/6 classes will be in their new building. We also welcome our new kaiako Whaea Jaime...
We are back on Site Monday 13 June
Kia ora e te whānau Welcome Back on site We very much look forward to seeing our students and staff who are well back on site next Monday 13 June 2022. We hope for as little disruption to learning as possible over these last four weeks of the school term. We thank you...
Board of Trustees Elections 2022
Kia ora e te whānau 2022 is Board of Trustees Election year, so I wanted to share the process with you. Once every three years parents and caregivers are given an opportunity to apply to be elected as a member of the Board of Trustees. Our Board of Trustees are valued...
Temporary School Closure for Kura Tuakana (Years 11-13) Week 6, Term Two Panui
Saturday 4 June 2022 Learning during Temporary School Closure Tēnā koutou e te whānau o te Kura ā Rohe o Whaingaroa The latest school newsletter is now on our website, please click on the link if you have not yet read it. Closing Kura Tuakana is not a lockdown...
Temporary School Closure for Kura Tuakana (Years 7-10) Week 6, Term Two Panui
Saturday 4th June, 2022 Tēnā koutou e te whānau o te Kura ā Rohe o Whaingaroa The latest school newsletter is now on our website, please click on the link if you have not yet read it. Closing Kura Tuakana is not a lockdown situation, but a necessary step to give...
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