School News
Here are all our latest news items. If you can’t find what you’re looking for please Contact Us.
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RAS Teacher Only Days Terms 2, 3 and 4 2022 – Please note in your diaries now
Kia ora e te whanau Teacher Only Days 2022 Right across Aotearoa, the Ministry of Education has granted schools four Teacher only days in 2022 for Teacher Professional Learning and Development. This newsletter gives you a "heads up" on the dates that Raglan Area...
RAS Online Whānau Learning Conversations 28-30 March 2022
RAS Online Learning Conversations Mon 28th, Tue 29th, and Wed 30th March Kia ora e te whānau We invite you to catch up with your child’s teachers online. Given the unsettled start to the year, this is a targeted opportunity for you to talk to the teacher about your...
We’re Back – RAS is open Monday 21 March for all Students
Kia ora e te Whānau Omicron Update During the last three weeks, we know that many families have had first-hand experience of Omicron in their homes. Many of our staff have also been directly affected; either testing positive themselves or being a household contact of...
Student Leadership Team 2022
Kia ora koutou, I would like to thank those students who put their names forward for Student Leadership. It is with great pleasure that I confirm the appointment of the following students for our 2022 Student Leadership Team. Head Students Sophie Higgins...
Junior School Newsletter Years 0-6 English and Māori Medium
Tēnā koutou e te whānau o te Kura ā Rohe o Whaingaroa. The latest school newsletter is now on our website, please click on the link if you have not read it. Closing Kura Teina is not a lockdown situation, but a necessary step to give Kura Teina staff time to get...
RAS Partial School Closure – Home Learning for Years 0-8 Students
RAS Partial School Closure - Home Learning for Years 0-8 Students Kia ora e te whānau New Zealand’s COVID-19 response continues amid much larger numbers of daily cases. Whaingaroa is also experiencing an increasing number of positive cases alongside the Household...
RAS Partial School Closure – Home Learning for Years 9-13 Students
RAS Partial School Closure - Home Learning for Years 9-13 Students Kia ora e te whānau New Zealand’s COVID-19 response continues amid much larger numbers of daily cases. Whaingaroa is now experiencing an increasing number of positive cases and we are responding...
RAS Phase 3 Omicron Response
Kia ora e te whānau New Zealand’s COVID-19 response continues amid much larger numbers of daily cases. You may well have seen the headlines in the media about the numbers of cases being seen in schools. Please don’t be alarmed by this. It is only natural that as cases...
Whānau Information February 2022
Here is the link to the latest Principal Update
Raglan Area School – Chromebooks Distribution February 2022
Kia ora e te whānau We have put together a plan for distribution of chrome books for Years 5-13 students who do not have devices at home in the event that we need to close partially or fully due to Covid. A survey was sent out to all Year 7 - 13 students earlier...
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