School News
Here are all our latest news items. If you can’t find what you’re looking for please Contact Us.
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Student Expectations: Cellphones, Vaping & Attendance
Kia ora whānau I wanted to draw your attention to our updated procedures and expectations regarding Cell Phones, Vaping and Attendance. Cellphone Expectations The Cellphone Expectations Procedure has been updated in line with the government’s 2024 regulations...
Raglan Area School – OPEN TOMORROW
Kia ora koutou. We have been provided with a generator so we can confirm Raglan Area School will be open tomorrow (31st May 2024). We hope all our whānau are safe and warm. Ngā mihi
Raglan Area School – CLOSED TODAY
Kia ora koutou. Raglan Area School is closed today due to power outages caused by the storm. The decision to close had to be made early this morning. At that point the school had no power. The school closure allows us to ensure power is fully restored, our systems...
Kia ora We have 2 key dates to announce. Teacher Only Day Tuesday 4th June One is a change to our previously published Teacher Only Day in Term 2. The Teacher Only Day will now be Tuesday 4th June (the day after the King's Birthday Holiday). We apologise for...
Board of Trustees Newsletter
Kia ora e te whānau Welcome to Term 2. I hope you and your whānau have had a great holiday break. Swimming Pool Update We are delighted to share that we have secured funding for the initial stage of our pool renovations, which will get our pool up and running again....
RAS Hauora Team
Is your child needing some extra support, living with anxiety, dealing with a learning problem? The Raglan Area School Hauora Team is here to come alongside you and your child and together find ways to deal with the problem. The team is made up of counsellors, a...
Pānui-Ā-Tumuaki Tuarua – Term One Deputy Principal Newsletter
Kura Teina Kia ora e te Whanau - greetings to all! To our new whanau new to Kura Teina, nau mai haere mai. Term 1 “Let us remember that one book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the World” Anon. This quote reminds me of the impact...
School Photo Day – Tuesday 19th March
Kia ora koutou Our School Photo provider Photolife is coming in to take our school photos on Tuesday 19th March. They will take photos of individual students and class photos on this day. Sibling Photos If you would like a sibling photo taken: - Collect a Sibling...
Kura Teina (Year 0-6) 12:00pm finish on Wednesday 27 March
This message applies only to Kura Teina Year 0 - 6 including Te Roopu Aroha Ki Te Reo students Kia ora e te whānau Our Kura Teina teaching staff are members of the NZEI Te Riu Roa teachers’ union and will be attending a paid union meeting on the afternoon of Wednesday...
Whānau Information Evening – Thursday 8th February 2024 6-8pm
We invite all whānau to an open evening on 8th February at 6pm. This is an opportunity to come in and see the school, meet the leaders and teachers and find out a bit more about us. We will also be consulting parents on our health curriculum. The...
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