School News
Here are all our latest news items. If you can’t find what you’re looking for please Contact Us.
If you would like to submit an article or news item, please Contact Us.
Strike Closure Announcement – Thursday 16th March 2023
Message from our Raglan Area School Board of Trustees Kia ora e te Whānau The Raglan Area School Board of Trustees has been advised that the Principal and Teachers of our school who are members of the Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) and New Zealand...
School Photo Day 22nd March
Kia ora Koutou Our School Photo provider is coming in to take our school photos on Wednesday 22nd March. They will take photos of individual students and class photos on this day. Sibling Photos If you would like a sibling photo taken - Print a Sibling Photo Request...
Whole School Teacher Strike – Thursday 16 March 2023
Kia ora koutou As well as the Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) announcing their strike, the New Zealand Educational Institute (NZEI) (of which our Years 0-6 Kura Teina Teachers are members) have ALSO announced a nationwide strike on Thursday 16th March 2023. ...
Pānui-ā-Tumuaki Tuarua #1 2023
Kura Teina News Kura Tuakana News We have had a terrific start to 2023. Kura Teina is made up of 14 classrooms. We have 4 Yr 0-2 classrooms; 4 Yr 3-4 classrooms and 4 Yr 5-6 classrooms plus two Maori Medium classes. We have 5 kaiako who are either new...
Kura Tuakana (Years 7-13) Sports Day – Friday 3rd March
Our Kura Tuakana Sports Day is being held next Friday 3rd March, please see timetable above for the day. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing, footwear and a hat. Please also ensure they have sunblock and a water bottle. Any queries please contact...
Important Message: Kura Teina (Years 0-6) 12:20pm finish on Friday 3 March
Kura Teina (Year 0-6) 12:20pm finish on Friday 3 March This message applies only to Year 0 - 6 Students in Kura Teina Kia ora e te whānau Many of our teaching staff are members of the NZEI Te Riu Roa teachers’ union and will be attending a paid union meeting on the...
Te Ahi Ora 2023
Kia ora koutou I am thrilled to announce that Te Ahi Ora will be coming to our school from Monday 27th February until Wednesday 1st March. They will deliver free performing arts lessons to years 0-10 during school time, followed by free evening fire performances and...
Sports at Raglan Area School 2023
Registrations are now open for some of our 2023 Sports. To register online for any of these sports - please head over to our RAS Sports Website [LINK]. From here, click on the tab of the sport you would like to register for. Underneath the photo is a link to the...
Learning Conversations: Tue 28 Feb, Wed 1 March, Thu 2 March
Dear Whānau, Parents & Caregivers We invite you and your child to come and meet with the teachers to talk about your child’s learning needs. We are offering IN PERSON or an online VIDEO CONFERENCE. To make your meeting time for either option - you need to book...
Reminder: School App Closed
Kia ora Koutou School App Closed As communicated in December, we have closed the School App. Parents & Caregivers who have an email address registered with us are able to access the Edge App, which is our School Management System. We are able to send out notices...
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