Senior School News / Notices
Keeping our senior school parents informed
In this section you’ll find all news relating to our senior school students. If there is something that you’re looking for, or you think we’ve missed, please let us know. You can also view all the School News.
At the North Island Athletics Champs this weekend, Harper placed: *2nd in the 100m sprints *3rd in the 200m sprints *His WAIBOP 4x100m relay team came 1st (coming within a whisker of breaking the record). What an amazing achievement - we are so proud of you! Poutama...
RAS Students compete in the Waikato Regional Sheliah Winn Shakespeare Festival
Over the weekend, four of our drama students competed in the Waikato Regional Sheliah Winn Shakespeare festival performing their scenes from Macbeth and Taming of the Shrew! It was a great day, with loads of talent, and our students did well. Really well in fact... It...
Yr 11&12 Attend Aotearoa UN Youth Declaration in Auckland
"Last week the Years 11 & 12 Senior Social Science class went to the Aotearoa UN Youth Declaration in Auckland. Each student was given a different roopu to be a part of where they discussed Government policies and submitted their thoughts, ideas and suggestions...
Principals Catch Up 30 March 2021 (Uniform, Easter, EOTC)
Kia ora e te whanau Just a reminder that when Easter falls during term time, the Tuesday following Easter Monday is a school holiday, it is not a Statutory Holiday, but a school holiday.
Fast ForWord Literacy Programme PTA Whanau Hui, Tuesday 13 April, 2021
Fast ForWord Literacy Programme - Neuroscience to Support Learning Whanau Hui Tuesday 13 April, RAS Staffroom @ 7pm. RSVP to Matua Joe - 022 175 1378
Principals News, 24 March 2021
Tēnā koutou e te whanau o te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa We are not just any school in any country but a school proudly situated in Raglan, Aotearoa, New Zealand; a school that values and honours its bicultural heritage and is a truly unique and inspirational learning...
Kia ora whanau The U16 Waka Ama Secondary School Nationals Team are fundraising in the school hall this Wednesday (17 March 2021) and will be providing kai at morning tea and lunch times, see below for menu. They would love your support to help with the cost of...
First Day for New School Canteen/Tuck Shop
Students getting their first taste of our new Canteen/Tuck Shop, now operated by Libelle Group. There was a large line of students keen to try out their new lunch menu. For absolute convenience, paywave eftpos is available for purchases only (ie, you can't get money...
RAS Tuck Shop Reopening
Our Tuck Shop Opens Monday 15 March 2021 Please follow this link to view the full menu Full Menu PLEASE NOTE: The on-line orders will not be available until Monday 29 March, 2021