Senior School News / Notices
Keeping our senior school parents informed
In this section you’ll find all news relating to our senior school students. If there is something that you’re looking for, or you think we’ve missed, please let us know. You can also view all the School News.
Whānau Information February 2022
Here is the link to the latest Principal Update
Raglan Area School – Chromebooks Distribution February 2022
Kia ora e te whānau We have put together a plan for distribution of chrome books for Years 5-13 students who do not have devices at home in the event that we need to close partially or fully due to Covid. A survey was sent out to all Year 7 - 13 students earlier...
RAS Sports Site
Please follow this link to our RAS Sports site to keep up to date with all the latest sporting news.
Eat Smart Tuck Shop Menu Term 1, 2022
Lunch By Libelle is a school food service as part of the Government’s Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Health School Lunches programme. The Lunch by Libelle programme is currently active at over 170 schools. We are proud to be a family-owned New Zealand business that has been...
MOE Information: Potential Impact of Omicron on School Bus Transport Services
Tēnā koutou Below is information on the potential impact Omicron may have on our services throughout the rohe. The Omicron variant of Covid-19 is likely to have a significant impact on our communities over the coming months. One of the groups that will be affected...
RAS Students who Attended Soundsplash Festival – Please read and action as necessary
Kia ora Koutou I hope that you have all had a restful break. We are looking forward to welcoming our Years 11, 12 and 13 students back to school this Friday 4th February and all other students on Tuesday 8th February - see the details at the end of this message. Given...
School Bus Schedule: Thursday 16 Dec 2021 – Last Day for students
Tēnā koutou Our students finish school at 12noon on Thursday 16th Dec 2021. The Whale Bay bus will be available at 12noon to pick up our students. The TeUku/Waingaro/Waitetuna and TeMata/Ruapuke buses will run as normal - departing Raglan Area School at 3.06pm. The...
Year 11-13 Prizegiving 2021
NCEA Update: Term 4 Support for Years 11-13 Students
Kia ora e te whānau We welcome our Years 11-13 students back to school next Tuesday 26 October 2021. There has been a lot of information about what types of support our students can expect with regards to their NCEA studies. Here is a summary of the information that...