Student Dress Code Gender Neutral
Students are appropriately dressed for school activities and are well informed of the school’s student dress code and apply it to their choice of clothing whilst at school.
RAS Procedure
Student Dress Code Students are given the freedom to present themselves at school as they choose. There is an expectation that common sense and generally accepted standards of appropriateness be upheld by the following guidelines:
● Clothes should be clean, neat, tidy and free of fading, fraying and other obvious signs of wear and tear and appropriate for educational activities.
● Logos and graphics must be appropriate i.e. not offensive or promoting alcohol, illegal substances or gang affiliation.
● Underwear must not be visible at any time.
● Appropriate footwear is required by specific departments to meet safety requirements.
● It is expected that students wear the school PE uniform for all PE classes.
● Hair, including facial hair, must be clean and tidy.
● Wearing of hats is restricted to outside use only.
● We strongly encourage the wearing of suitable hats during the summer months to protect students from sun damage.
● Senior students require dress clothes for occasions when they represent the school in public, at prize giving and at other special events. Dark pants or skirt, shirt and tie/or blouse and tidy jacket are appropriate clothing items.
● Staff are charged with making the judgement that the dress code has been upheld. Where students are not appropriately dressed, whanau will be contacted and students may be asked to go home to change. Alternatively, whanau may bring a change of clothing to school for their child.
● Where these guidelines leave a “grey” area, it is at the Principal/Deputy Principal discretion to make the final decision as to suitability of dress.
Examples of inappropriate clothing include:
● Revealing shorts and skirts.
● Lowcut, revealing tops.
● Bare midriffs or see through tops.
● Visible underwear.
● Wearing gumboots inside.
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