Our Values / Nga Whainga
“Poutama is a stairway to excellence. Being the best that I can be.”

Poutama is not limited to but includes:
- Manaakitanga , whakawhanaungatanga, kaitiakitanga
- Striving for excellence
- Diligence
- Being supportive of others academically, socially, physically
- Integrity
- Equity
- Excellence
Ka tuu maaia te tamaiti i runga anoo i te whakahiihii, te maaia, me te huumaarie.
Ka eke panuku, ka eke tangaroa te tamaiti ki roto i ana mahi katoa.
Kei ngaa taumata tika te tamaiti moo ngaa marau katoa.
E ngaakau nui ana ia ki te ako.
He hohonu aana whakaaro.
E whaia ana e ia i oona puumanawa
“Manaakitanga is caring and helping for those who come into our family group”

We are demonstrating Manaakitanga when we:
- Make all visitors to our classroom welcome by acknowledging and greeting them
- Offer non-school visitors food and drink, serve them before we eat/drink ourselves and introduce them to everyone in the room
- Leave class rooms as we find them
- Take off our hats before we enter class rooms
- Refrain from sitting on any table or bench as both food eating and learning are ‘tapu’
E kahaana te tamaiti ki te hora i te manaakitanga, te aroha, te whakapono me te rangimaarieki runga i ngaataangatakatoa.
E maaramaana te tamaiti ki te tapu o te tinana.
He puna kupu kare-aa-roto toona.
He tamaiti whakamana, whakanuia hoki ia.
“Kaitiakitanga is caring for and nurturing places and things”

We are demonstrating kaitiakitanga when we:
- Leave rooms we have been in clean and tidy
- Respect our environment by putting all litter into bins
- Recycle paper
- Kaitiakitanga is also seen in our school through our commitment to enviro, and all that it means here in Whaingaroa.
He pakaritoona reo Maaori, toona reo paakehahoki.
He maataute tamaiti ki ngaakawa ki te taha moana, ki te taha ngahere, ki ngaamarae hoki.
E kahaana ia ki te tiaki i toona taiao.
E moohiopaiana ia ki ngaakaitiaki me te hiitori o Whaingaroa.
He raukuraia moo toona iwi.
“Whakawhanaungatanga is being a family, caring as a family, helping as a family”

We are demonstrating whakawhanaungatanga when we:
- Show care and respect for one another
- Acknowledge and greet visitors to our space
- Make all visitors welcome
- Follow the ‘no violence’ rule, especially no verbal violence, no physical violence to others and no violence to ourselves
E matua moohio ana ia ki toona whakapapa, iwi, hapu, whaanau, tuurangawaewae hoki.
Ka whaangai ia i ana maatauranga ki toona whaanau, hapu, iwi, haapori hoki.
Ka moohio ia ki ngaa tikanga o Whaingaroa, Waikato-Tainui me ngaa tikanga o oona ake iwi.
He kaha aana pukenga haapori.